Certification Marks Guidelines

Why Should you display the Certification Mark?
It demonstrates to your customers and others that are properly licensed or certified to perform your services in your area. Your certification is a valuable asset. We encourage you to promote your achievement and continued commitment to good management practice by displaying your approved Certification Mark as set out within these use guidelines.

When should you display the Certification Mark?
When you receive your approval and the logo artwork appropriate to your certification status and standard. You will be provided with the applicable Certification Mark that you can provide to your printers to update your literature with the Certification Mark.

Where can you display the Certification Mark?

Where can you not display the Certification Mark?
On products, for example; the tangible product itself or its primary packaging, or product inserts.

What size should the Certification Mark by displayed?
The Certification Mark can be reproduced in any legible size, always respecting the proportions of the mark. However the Certification Mark must never be displayed larger or more prominently than your own business name and marks.

What color should the Certification Mark by displayed?
When the Certification Mark is placed on a product 100% black is always acceptable, as well reversed in white.

General Regulations for Certification Mark placement.