Why Register?

Watch this video to learn why YOU should protect your Licensing


There are unlicensed people doing workmanship in the Plumbing, HVAC and Electrical Profession. The consequence is unsafe conditions posed to the public, along with lowering the bar of standard, and making it hard to attract new, quality talent. Not to mention, it’s against the law to perform plumbing, hvac and electrical work without the proper license.



Certification Marks displayed on Trucks, Uniforms, Stationary, Company Brochures, Invoices, Websites, etc, etc. will build customer loyalty.


Certification Marks will build awareness over time therefore REDUCING THE POSSIBILITY OF DEREGULATION.


Certification Marks will help in building a consumer awareness campaign to identify Non-Licensed individuals therefore REDUCING MALPRACTICE by non-licensed companies and individuals.


Certification Marks will look professional and become a “Symbol of Excellence” therefore ELEVATING THE DESIRE FOR THOSE LOOKING FOR A NEW SKILL OR TRADE.

Membership Benefits

Identity of being a Licensed Professional

The PHCEid Licensed Certification Program has been developed to assist YOU, the Contractor, in representing your profession, and to protect the Professional image of all Licensed Plumbing, HVAC and Electrical Contractors.

Build Public Awareness

PHCEid is a marketing partner to help you elevate and protect the Licensed or Certified image of your company by building public awareness about the necessity of hiring a Licensed Plumbing, HVAC, or Electrical Contractor.

Promote Skilled Trades to the Future Generations

The shortage of skilled trade workers is a crisis for companies around the globe. By promoting the PHCE industry in public schools, we can build awareness through education, which will lead to the ability to attract new talent into our industries.

Directory Listing

Members of PHCEid are listed in the directory. This directory is for public use, and consumers can easily identify Licensed members in their area. All members will be given a Link Back for website authority.


The "Licensed" certification mark symbolizes and unifies the Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical industry. This unity of licensed professionals adhering to the law creates pressure for the unlicensed illegally performing work.

Advocate to Lobby for Licensing

Licensed Contractors have worked very hard to achieve their Licensed status. Therefore, it's important to continue lobbying for Licensing status.